What makes Marenal different from similar developments
is our community concept.
It requires that our community members identify with our motto
“For Liberty – Against Violence – For Pura Vida”.
“For Liberty” stands for the right of any individual to always make their own decisions about their life, if they do not deliberately hurt man or animal.
“Against Violence” means the rejection of any war and any deliberate physical harm from any source, unless it is for the defense of one’s life and family.
“For Pura Vida” represents simply the enjoyment of a happy life provided by a positive relationship between neighbors, friends, family and the land.
However, as Calvin Coolidge once said…and we are paraphrasing…
“Liberty is not collective. It is personal, as all true Liberty is.”
Our Vison and Mission:​
Is to attract like-minded residents who want to build life-enhancing and enduring relationships between the community members and the land​
Is to provide our own sources of energy, nourishment, recreation, and economic opportunities​
Is to support free markets, personal liberty, and independence from government as much as possible​
​Is to create a community that is involved in and respected by the native community
Is to stimulate its members to share their talents with the younger generation​​​​​​​​​​​​​
What are the objectives of our community?
We want to create energy independence for our electricity needs
We can be grid-tied to the local power company, or we can use other forms of energy to support and reload our advanced battery system
We shall use low voltage air conditioning systems to control the comfort level of the home interior​
We shall install effective control of rainwater runoff and wastewater
Each home will have its own septic system
We feature an electronic security system for our entry gates
A community lagoon and garden are part of the community property
The community members can grow and provide safe and organic foods on the property for themselves and guests
We will have nature trails in Marenal for use by our members
We are in the process of designing a swimming pool for the use of the community members and their families
We will also offer a health center with exercise facilities where physical therapies can be provided by qualified professionals​
Our goal is to have a high-quality Community
with the lowest occupation and maintenance expenses possible.​​
How will the community operate?
After the current Community rules and regulations have been voluntarily accepted by each purchaser before the purchase, each buyer will become a community member.
When all properties have been sold, the community members may want to form an Owner’s Association and a Board of Directors, which can then assume the management of the community. All matters of maintenance, security, and the enforcement of our simple rules and regulations, will then become the responsibility of the Association.
If the owners do not wish to accept this management responsibility, then the current owner of Marenal FGK S.A. and his management team will continue to manage the property. The management team shall be responsible for the maintenance of all common areas and the security features of the property.
​Marenal will have identified the best and most appropriate home location on each lot. We will provide individual house plans that can be modified to the desires of the property owner, if they include the ecological and energy-saving features of our plans. Marenal has a qualified and licensed architect and structural engineer and will build your home to our quality specifications.
All power lines and communication cables will be underground.
All house plans and changes must be approved by Marenal before construction permits can be obtained and construction can begin.​