Our Philosophy
Our philoshophy is based on the writings of such great Libertarians as Ludwig von Mises, F.A. Hayek, Thomas Sowell, and particularly, Murray N. Rothbard. His Libertarian manifesto is the best expression of what we believe.
Respect biodiversity and native ecosystems
Innovate and utilize green building technologies
Use renewable energy whenever possible and move towards total energy independence
Develop waste as a valuable resource and replenish sources and cycles of water
Cultivate social entrepreneurship to create sustainable solutions
Invest in education, fair trade, and ethical exchange of products and knowledge
Encourage participation in local economies and communities
Support and strengthen the concepts of work, progress, and wealth creation
Build a thriving and diversified community
Cultivate responsible, inclusive, and transparent decision making
Develop fair and effective leadership
Establish a participatory community with common sense rules and regulations
Practice conflict resolution, communication, and peacebuilding skills
Ensure equal and lifelong access to physical and mental nourishment through holistic education
Protect each individual's right to self-determination and decision making
Engage actively in the protection of nature and our Community
Embrace a low impact lifestyle and reconnect to nature
Respect cultural traditions and celebrate life through the arts and local activities
Nurture mindfulness of our differences and support human dignity
Connect with a higher purpose in life
If our Marenal Philosophy is compatible with yours,
we will be honored to invite you to discuss more details.